Hello again

Hello again

I really think I should post more in my blog to keep you guys who don’t have access to my LJ updated on what’s going on in my life.
Right now I’m at work, but can’t really do anything since stuff is being changed here and my access to the flight database is blocked. Actually I just checked again and it’s not blocked anymore, but now all the data is gone. Which means everything has been switched over and I’ll have to uninstall and reinstall our program, oh yeah. so looking forward to that. Please cross your fingers for me that it will work without any problems. I want to relax this weekend and not have to worry about work. Blah.
This weekend my mom and me will start baking christmas cookies. Weeeee! Tonight will be decided which ones will be made. That’s what I especially love about Christmas. Baking all different kinds of cookies! Yay! My brother will come over Christmas and we’re still waiting to hear back from my sister. Hopefully she will come too. That would be a wonderful Christmas. All family together again. Well, besides my dad of course, but I’m not sure I miss him after all that’s been going on lately, and what I heard…

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